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75% Suffer From Vein Disease. Are You One of Them?

Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers is a world-renowned, award-winning vein care center helping top athletes and people from around the world suffering from vein disease and the symptoms that come along with it.

Gayle Guyardo, the host of the global health and wellness show, Bloom, visited Interventional Radiologist and Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Chris Pittman, M.D., FAVLS, FACR, about some of the issues caused by vein disease and the signs and symptoms patients need to be cognizant of.

Everybody knows what a varicose vein is. It’s a bulging vein on the skin but the truth is, half of people with lifestyle limiting symptoms in their legs have no bulging varicose vein, so I don’t like to refer to what I do as fixing varicose veins because we’re going to miss half the patients, Dr. Pittman explains. Venous insufficiency is really where our valves and our veins fail, and when they fail, the blood goes the wrong way. I often introduce myself as Dr. Pittman, the Plumber guy because vein disease is a leak in the attic, flood in the basement.

Vein disease causes all sorts of symptoms. It’s the leading cause of ankle swelling in this country; three out of four people that come through my office door have detectable swelling. It’s a leading cause of restless legs, which affects eight percent of Americans. It’s the leading cause of night cramps. So again, that’s why I try not to talk so much about varicose veins because we’re going to miss a lot of suffering patients out there if we only talk about varicose veins.

So What Is The Treatment Protocol?

The treatment protocol is walk-in, walk out. There are zero limitations following this procedure. The only lifestyle change, is thigh-high compression hose. That’s it. Treatments will take anywhere from three to five sessions to fix a single leg and then if we’re still friends we go to the other leg.

50% of  patients that develop lifestyle limiting, vein related symptoms, will never have visible signs of Vein disease. Often times, patients are never diagnosed, so they live with life shortening conditions because they are completely unaware, says Dr. Pittman.

Dr. Pittman goes on to explain that many patients believe ankle swelling is a normal part of the aging process and it isn’t.  Same with restless legs and night cramps. “Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers is world-renowned and award-winning because their treatment actually works”, says Steve Johnson, a current patient of Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers. Steve came to Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers with tightness in his legs and night cramps. His treatments took less than 30 minutes and he was able to return to work the same day. “It was absolutely life changing”, exclaimed  Steve Johnson.

Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers is conveniently located in Tampa, but they also have locations in Palm Harbor and Wesley Chapel. You can receive a free virtual vein evaluation by a Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers Vein Care Specialist by visiting

Call 855-834-6911 (855-VEIN911) or visit for more information.

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