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Vein Treatment

Photo of Cursive V from Vein911 Vein Treatment Center of Tampa Bay, Now offering VenaThrive. Find a vein doctor near you today.
BlogVein Treatment

Vein Treatment Using Compression Stockings

If you have varicose veins or spider veins, a number of different types of vein treatment can help remove the problem veins and can help you feel more comfortable. Although a medical treatment such as sclerotherapy or laser treatment can effectively remove the veins, the...
May 7, 2017
BlogVein Treatment

Compression Socks for Vein Treatment

How Do Your Graduated Compression Hose Work? Your legs have many veins or tubes which return blood to your heart. When your venous tubes are compressed by your graduated compression hose your blood moves faster back to your heart which has many medical and even...
April 11, 2017
Photo of Cursive V from Vein911 Vein Treatment Center of Tampa Bay, Now offering VenaThrive. Find a vein doctor near you today.
BlogVein Treatment

What in the world is an IR physician?

Interventional radiologists (IRs) are board-certified physicians who specialize in minimally invasive, targeted treatments. They offer the most in-depth knowledge of the least invasive treatments available coupled with diagnostic and clinical experience. They use X-rays, ultrasound, CT and other imaging to advance a catheter in the...
August 31, 2011