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BlogVein Treatment

What Is the Best Vein Removal Treatment?

Varicose veins are twisted, painful, bluish veins on the legs, hands, and groin area that bulge beneath the surface of the skin. When blood vessels aren’t strong enough to push blood up and outward through the body, the blood falls back down into the vein...
March 19, 2020
BlogVein Disease Blog

Why Athletes Must Make Vein Care Part of Their Routine

Regular exercise builds muscle tone, increases flexibility, and improves cardiovascular health. Yet strenuous workouts take a surprising toll on your veins. That’s why it’s surprising to hear about athletes with vascular disorders, particularly varicose veins. Certain athletes are most at risk — in particular, athletes...
November 7, 2019

The Link Between Lymphedema and Vein Health

Our lymphatic and venous systems are closely linked within the body, so much so that if one is impaired, the resulting symptoms are similar. Lymph vessels drain fluid from tissues, while arteries and veins manage blood flow throughout the body.  The lymphatic system is a...
September 10, 2019