How does VeinGogh work?
The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System generates a tiny, regulated, high-frequency current delivered to the vessel via a hair-thin probe. A “microburst” of energy selectively heats the vein, coagulating the blood and collapsing the vessel wall, which is quickly absorbed into the body.
Is there any downtime?
The precise nature of the VeinGogh treatment limits the risk of over-treating, so there is little to no trauma to the skin. Following treatment, there will be some mild redness that usually lasts about 2-3 hours.
Does the treatment hurt?
On a pain scale of 1-10, with some laser treatments being an 8-9, VeinGogh is a 2-3. Since the procedure uses a hair-thin probe inserted into the vessel, there can be a slight “pinch.” Patients report it feels similar to a hair being removed.
Does VeinGogh only work on veins?
No! VeinGogh can also be used to eliminate cherry angiomas, small hemangiomas, skin tags, spider nevi, and even the redness of rosacea.