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Lear More About Poor Circulation

Poor circulation can sometimes be associated with chronic venous insufficiency. Your arteries transport oxygenated blood from your heart to the rest of your body while your veins return de-oxygenated blood back to your heart. When the veins in your legs cannot deliver enough blood back to your heart, you have chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). CVI is also sometimes called chronic venous disease (CVD).

When you stand, the blood in your leg veins flows upward, against gravity, to bring blood back to your heart. For blood to reach your heart, your calf muscles must compress the veins in order to move blood upwards. One-way valves in your veins keep blood flowing in the right direction. When your calf muscles relax, the valves close preventing blood from leaking backwards or pooling. Prolonged sitting or standing can lead to damaged vein valves and backwards flow of blood in your veins.

If you think that you may be experiencing poor circulation symptoms, you may have CVI or another issue with your circulatory system. The specialists at Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers can help identify and diagnose what may be the cause of your poor circulation.

Signs of Poor Circulation

Some of the signs of poor circulation can be brought on by several causes. Some of these causes include:

  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormones
  • Age
  • Occupations requiring prolonged standing or sitting
  • Obesity
  • Injury

When visiting Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers for the treatment of varicose veins and poor circulation, or any other vein disease, we examine you thoroughly and, depending on our findings, recommend the most effective treatments possible. As always, we are committed to your well-being.

Wearing Graduated Compressions Hose May Help!

Your legs have many veins or tubes which return blood to your heart. When your venous tubes are compressed by your graduated compression hose your blood moves faster back to your heart which has many medical and even athletic performance benefits. Wearing your graduated compression hose is like putting your thumb over a garden hose! Compression hose makes your blood flow faster in your veins!

Why Should You Use Graduated Compression Hose?

There is substantial scientific evidence that high quality, measured and fitted, graduated compression hose provide important medical benefits. Graduated compression use is like “wearing a pill” instead of “taking a pill”.

  • Wearing graduated compression hose improves many superficial venous disease related symptoms including itching, heaviness, fatigue, pain, throbbing, swelling, night cramps, and even restless legs.
  • Wearing graduated compression hose improves skin changes of chronic venous disease, improves venous leg ulcer healing, and prevents venous leg ulcer recurrence.
  • Wearing graduated compression hose also lowers your risk of serious blood clots or Deep Venous Thrombosis, also known as DVT.
  • Wearing graduated compression hose also improves the symptoms of those who currently are suffering from a DVT and helps stop the enlargement and extension of newly formed blood clot.
  • Wearing graduated compression hose also benefits those who have suffered a DVT in the remote past.
  • If you are a long-distance traveler, wearing graduated compression hose will help you prevent swelling, leg pain and discomfort, and lower your risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis.
  • If you are a pregnant woman, you will also benefit from wearing graduated compression hose which will also help you prevent swelling, leg pain and discomfort, and lower your risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis.

It is only a slight exaggeration to say that wearing high quality, properly fitted, graduated compression hose is like wearing a “performance enhancing drug”!

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