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Varicose VeinsVein Disease Blog

5 Hidden Dangers of Varicose Veins

Pictured below is a healthy vein (left side) and an unhealthy vein (right side). The unhealthy vein is suffering from venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency is a medical term for vein disease. One of the symptoms of venous insufficiency is varicose veins. Varicose veins are bulging…
July 23, 2024

Home Remedies for Varicose Vein Care

Varicose veins, those twisted and swollen veins often found on the legs, can cause discomfort and concern for many. They are more common than you might think, affecting about 23% of adults in the USA. While medical treatments are available, some home remedies can provide…
January 9, 2024

Can I Prevent Vein Disease?

Can I Prevent Vein Disease? Unfortunately, vein disease is primarily genetic and you cannot pick your parents. There is no evidence that any drug, vitamin or nutraceutical will slow the progression of your vein disease. However, you can take some conservative measures to slow the…
May 9, 2023
BlogSwollen LegsVein Disease Blog

How To Prepare For Summer

Are Your Legs Prepared For Summer? Hot weather can increase fluid, also called "edema", in your legs causing your ankles to swell. The leading cause of ankle swelling is vein disease! When it's hot, the blood vessels in your legs dilate, which cause blood to…
April 28, 2023

Watch Dr. Pittman on The Law of Relevancy Podcast

Last week Dr. Pittman joined Cordes Owen on The Law of Relevancy Podcast. Hear him discuss being triple board certified, running a successful healthcare business, and his personal goal for the future of vein treatment. Tune in and listen to the full video here!
November 17, 2022