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What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are twisting, bulging, rope-like cords on the legs, anywhere from the ankle to the groin. Additionally, they are usually more uncomfortable and potentially harmful than spider veins. This is because varicose veins are larger distended veins, located deeper than spider veins. That said, normal veins are responsible for carrying blood against gravity back to the heart and lungs. This means varicose veins are caused by inefficient, damaged vein valves that don’t close properly, allowing blood to leak back with gravity and pool within the vein. When your vein valves leak and blood pools in your legs, this ultimately results in varicose veins, and you are diagnosed as having venous reflux or venous insufficiency.

Take Care of Your Varicose Veins Early

Many people hear of varicose veins, but very few truly understand their underlying cause or potential for developing into a serious medical problem. If you experience severe varicose veins, it can compromise the nutrition of the skin and lead to pain and swelling. Other medical problems that can develop are eczema, inflammation, and even ulceration of the lower leg. That said, it is important to take care of vein disease early. Luckily, the treatment and removal of varicose veins is a procedure that most insurance providers cover.

Varicose Vein Disease

Do I have Vein Disease?

Vein disease may cause aggravating symptoms including:

  • Itching
  • Heaviness/tiredness 
  • Aches/pain/tenderness
  • Burning
  • Numbness/Tingling
  • Night cramping
  • Restless legs

Vein disease may cause visible signs including:

  • Spider veins, especially below your knees or near your ankles
  • Bulging, varicose veins
  • Ankle swelling
  • Skin discoloration, slight or obvious darkening of your skin near your ankles
  • Bleeding veins
  • Ulceration

Only 50% of people with lifestyle limiting vein related symptoms will have obvious, visible signs of vein disease! Stated another way, many people and their doctors do not recognize that vein disease may be the cause of their leg problems.

An ultrasound exam shows objective evidence of vein disease. Vein911 will carefully examine your leg veins by evaluating vein diameters and blood flow direction.

Another great way to diagnose vein disease is by wearing high quality, medical-grade graduated compression hose for a few weeks. Most patients with vein related symptoms will experience some relief of symptoms while wearing graduated compression hose. We recommend you wear hose 2 days on and 2 days off for 1-2 weeks to evaluate your symptom response to hose.


The future of vein care is available today at Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers! VenaThrive® is a comprehensive, non-surgical treatment protocol that helps you feel better, look better, and heal better. Additionally, with VenaThrive®, there is no surgery and no downtime.

Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers award-winning vein care specialist, Christopher Pittman, M.D., FAVLS, FACR is the founder of VenaThrive®. This is more than just a procedure. It’s a unique combination of techniques with proven medical and cosmetic outcomes available exclusively at Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers.

Our motto is, “Friends don’t let friends get vein surgery.” If you are experiencing symptoms, Call Vein911® Vein Treatment Centers today and ask about VenaThrive®!

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